
How to Change the Color of Untracked Git Files in Android Studio | okaryo.log

How to Change the Color of Untracked Git Files in Android Studio

    #Android Studio#Editor#IDE


When using Android Studio and creating new files, they appear in red because they are in an untracked state in Git.


This is a personal preference, but red makes it seem like there’s an error, which is unpleasant. While looking through the settings to see if I could change the color, I found an option that allows it, so I am sharing it here.

How to Change the Color

Open the settings screen and navigate to Version Control > File Status Colors. Select the Unknown item and change the color. After applying the changes, the color of untracked Git files will change to the selected color.


I chose a softer orange instead of red.



It’s a small change, but it feels better without the unpleasant red, making it easier to use. I’m grateful for the fine-tuned settings available.

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